山西档案 ›› 2019, Vol. 246 ›› Issue (4): 40-.

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  • 出版日期:2019-08-25 发布日期:2019-09-19

Research on Archives User Microservice Demand from the Perspective of User Experience

  • Online:2019-08-25 Published:2019-09-19

摘要: 档案用户不仅关注档案局(馆)微服务的质量和效果,而且更加关注微服务过程中的体验与感受。根据用户体验的需求层次理论并结合用户利用档案微服务的主要目的将档案馆用户的微服务需求划分为信息利用需求、技术体验需求、情感交互需求、感官体验需求和自我实现需求五个层次,并对五种体验需求深入分析。然后从优化档案信息资源配置、丰富技术表现形式、增强交互情感体验等方面提出改进档案馆微平台服务系统的建议和对策,以期为我国档案馆微服务平台优化设计、提高档案馆微服务质量提供参考。

关键词: 档案馆用户, 微服务, 服务需求, 用户体验

Abstract: Archive users not only pay attention to the quality and effect of the micro-services of the archives bureau, but also pay more attention to the experience and feelings in the micro-service process. According to the user experience level theory and the main purpose of the user's use of file microservices, the microservices needs of the archive users are divided into five levels: information utilization demand, technical experience demand, emotional interaction demand, sensory experience demand and self-realization demand. An in-depth analysis of the five experience needs. Then, from the aspects of optimizing the archival information resource allocation, enriching the technical expressions, and enhancing the interactive emotional experience, the suggestions and countermeasures for improving the micro-platform service system of the archives are proposed, in order to optimize the design of the micro-service platform of the archives in China and improve the micro-service quality of the archives. reference.

Key words: Archives users, microservices, service requirements, user experience