山西档案 ›› 2019, Vol. 246 ›› Issue (4): 35-.

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  • 出版日期:2019-08-25 发布日期:2019-09-19

Necessity of Mining Potential Archival Users in Social Media Platform

  • Online:2019-08-25 Published:2019-09-19

摘要: 以档案服务的线上拓展为契机,围绕着社交媒体平台档案潜在用户存在的原因和挖掘潜在用户的必要性展开讨论。具体从宏观与微观两个层面分析,得出对于档案服务的改革和转型升级而言,挖掘社交媒体平台潜在的档案用户,不仅有利于调整当前档案服务的供给侧和需求侧,同时也是提高档案工作社会效益和经济效益的重要举措。总之,社交媒体平台上潜在的档案用户,是我国档案事业实现档案服务创新发展、档案工作数字化和现代化目标的重要资源。

关键词: 社交媒体, 潜在用户, 档案服务, 创新

Abstract: Taking the online expansion of archives services as an opportunity, this paper discusses the reasons for the existence of potential users of archives on social media platform and the necessity of mining potential users. From the macro and micro levels, it is concluded that for the reform and transformation and upgrading of archives services, mining potential archives users of social media platform is not only conducive to adjusting the supply side and demand side of current archives services, but also an important measure to improve the social and economic benefits of archives work. In a word, the potential users of archives on social media platform are the important resources to realize the goal of innovation and development of archives service, digitalization and modernization of archives work in China.

Key words: Social media, potential users ;archive service;innovation