山西档案 ›› 2019, Vol. 246 ›› Issue (4): 5-.

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  • 出版日期:2019-08-25 发布日期:2019-09-19

A Research Review on Archives Knowledge Service at Home and Abroad

  • Online:2019-08-25 Published:2019-09-19

摘要: 知识服务是档案资源开发利用的大趋势,本文运用文献计量和知识图谱方法,全面梳理近十五年来国内外档案知识服务的相关文献,发现该领域在国内的研究热点包括基础理论研究、档案数据资源整合、档案资源知识组织和档案知识服务建设等;国外研究热点涵盖信息资源整合方法、档案知识服务实践和馆际资源整合利用等。从研究的系统性、深度性、应用性和跨学科性四个维度对比国内外的研究进展,并指出下一步在研究层面将更重视资源组织等理论、方法和新兴技术融合的研究,在实践层面将推广和深化相关知识服务平台和工具的应用,在具体的档案知识服务应用实践中将以“小领域深挖井”应用模式为主流。

关键词: 档案知识服务, 知识管理, 研究述评

Abstract: Knowledge service is a trend in the development and utilization of archival resources. By bibliometrics (literature measurement) and mapping knowledge domains, this paper comprehensively sorts out the relevant literature on archival knowledge service at home and abroad in the past 15 years, and finds that domestic research hotpots in this field include basic theoretical research, archival data resources integration, knowledge organization of archival resources, and archival knowledge service construction, while foreign research focuses include information resources integration methods, archival knowledge service practices and interlibrary resources integration and utilization. This paper makes a comparative research of domestic and foreign research process from four dimensions: systematicness, depth, applicability and interdisciplinarity, and points out that more attention should be paid to theory integration, methods and emerging technologies on resource organization and others in the following researches. The application of relevant knowledge service platforms and tools will be promoted and deepened in the practical level, and the application mode of "digging deep wells in small fields" will be the mainstream in the specific application practice of archival knowledge service.

Key words: Archives knowledge service , knowledge management, review of research