山西档案 ›› 2019, Vol. 246 ›› Issue (4): 94-.

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  • 出版日期:2019-08-25 发布日期:2019-09-19

Research on the Applicability of Safety Guarantee of  Electronic Genealogy Archives Integration Platform Based on the Blockchain

  • Online:2019-08-25 Published:2019-09-19

摘要: 电子家谱档案集成平台旨在提供电子家谱档案资源共享,在异构分布环境(操作系统、网络、数据库)下提供透明、一致的信息访问和交互手段,对其运行上的应用进行管理,为应用提供服务,并支持各特定领域应用系统的集成平台。本文通过阐述区块链的特点和电子家谱档案集成平台的要求,分析区块链对于电子家谱档案集成平台安全保障的适用性,得出了区块链能为电子家谱档案和平台运行提供安全性保障的同时,也给平台带来了一些挑战的结论。

关键词: 区块链, 电子家谱档案, 集成平台

Abstract: The integration platform of electronic genealogy archives is built to share electronic genealogy archives among people. It can provide people with transparent and consistent information access and interactive means in a heterogeneous distributed environment (operating system, network, database). As a result, people can manage and serve for applications running on them, and support integration of application systems in specific domains.Based on the characteristics of blockchain and the requirements of integration platform of electronic genealogy archives, this paper analysis whether blockchain is suit for the safety guarantee of the platform or not. It comes to an conclusion that blockchain can guarantee the genealogy archives platform safety. Meanwhile, it also brings some challenges.

Key words: Blockchain, electronic genealogy archives, integration platform